Other Names: Asian Ginseng, Ginseng, Panax, Guigai, Japanese Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Ninjin, Oriental Ginseng, Panax schinseng, Red Ginseng, Seng
NOTE: Panax ginseng is different from American ginseng and Eleuthero (formerly called Siberian ginseng). They are not interchangeable.
Ginsengs are best known as "adaptogens", which are substances that may help individuals cope with physical and emotional stress. As a part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, Panax ginseng has been used to treat almost every possible ailment from anxiety to cancer. Currently, it is used extensively in Oriental countries as an everyday tonic to maintain overall health as well as to treat several illnesses, including heart conditions.
In Western herbal medicine, Panax ginseng's possible ability to regulate the immune system has been studied for potential effectiveness in preventing colds, flu, and some forms of cancer. In clinical studies, Panax ginseng has been shown to lower blood levels of both sugar and cholesterol. Therefore, it may help treat type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Its other potential uses are not as well defined, however. In separate studies of laboratory animals and humans, Panax ginseng showed a relaxing effect on muscles in the lungs. The resulting airway expansion may help to relieve asthma symptoms and other lung conditions that result from constricted airways. In other studies, a combination of Panax ginseng and gingko is believed to have boosted memory and thinking processes. Early results from laboratory study may show that chemicals in orally dosed Panax ginseng promote the growth of blood vessels, which could be valuable in treating extensive injuries. All of these possible effects continue to be studied.
When it is applied to the skin, Panax ginseng may increase the production of both collagen and blood vessels. Collagen is a protein that makes up most of the connective tissues that support skin. Because collagen production generally decreases as individuals get older, collagen supplementation may prevent or improve signs of aging such as wrinkles and age lines. Topical Panax ginseng creams and lotions are also used to treat acne scars and skin wounds. Additionally, Rg1 and other chemicals in Panax ginseng seem to promote angiogenesis--the growth of new blood vessels when taken by mouth. While angiogenesis allows tumors to spread, it also helps wounds to heal and restores blood flow to injured tissue.
Both topical and oral forms of Panax ginseng are used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. One large study also found that taking Panax ginseng orally improved male fertility by increasing numbers, quality, and movement of sperm. Although the exact reasons that Panax ginseng may enhance male fertility are not completely known, chemicals in Panax ginseng are believed to activate the body system that increases production of certain hormones. Whether Panax ginseng increases testosterone levels in the blood is uncertain, however. Nevertheless, due to proposed hormonal activation, Panax ginseng frequently is added to sports drinks or supplements as a way to enhance athletic performance, even though no evidence supports this use.
Through the same activation of hormone production, chemicals in Panax ginseng are thought to exert an effect similar to the female hormone, estrogen. In some laboratory studies, Panax ginseng accelerated the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells, perhaps by activating estrogen receptors. Other laboratory and animal studies suggest that Panax ginseng may increase blood levels of substances that the body converts into estrogen. Results of a recent chemical analysis show that some of Panax ginseng's possible estrogenic effects may be due to a fungus that frequently contaminates Panax ginseng roots. Whether Panax ginseng can help to relieve menopause symptoms and conditions worsened by low estrogen levels is not yet known. Much more research is needed to understand more clearly Panax ginseng's possible estrogen-like effects.
When should I be careful taking it?
An intoxication-like syndrome has been seen in a few newborn babies who were given Panax ginseng or whose mothers took it while pregnant or breast-feeding. One documented case of an infant's death which was attributed to Panax ginseng intoxication has been reported. Small children and babies should not be given Panax ginseng; pregnant and breast-feeding women should also avoid taking it.
Women with hormone-dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus should not take Panax ginseng due to its possible estrogenic effects. Men with prostate cancer should also avoid taking Panax ginseng.
In clinical studies of both humans and animals, Panax ginseng has slowed the rate and decreased the force of heartbeats. It has also reduced blood pressure in some cases. All of these effects may worsen some heart conditions. Individuals with any kind of heart disease should not take Panax ginseng without supervision from a healthcare professional.
Individuals with diabetes should avoid taking large amounts of Panax ginseng because it can lower blood sugar levels, potentially resulting in hypoglycemia (blood sugar that is too low). Indications that blood sugar may be too low include shakiness, sweating, confusion, distorted speech, and loss of muscle control. If not corrected, low blood sugar can lead to unconsciousness and even death.
Taking Panax ginseng by mouth may cause or worsen insomnia.
Occasionally, Panax ginseng roots harvested from wild plants are contaminated with potentially dangerous molds. If whole Panax ginseng root is purchased, it should be clean, firm, and mold-free. Commercial Panax ginseng products should be made from cultivated root, which has not been found to contain molds.