Saponius in Asian Ginseng protects the liver cells from damage when exposed to toxic chemicals. Ginseng also has beneficial effects on cellular growth, ginseng stimulate DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid), protein and lipid synthesis. The stimulating effect of ginseng on the cells, glands and organs will only be up to normal, ginseng doesn't have an over stimulation effect.
The effect of ginseng in the treatment of epilepsy is not immediate, but continuous and prolonged use bring a complete cure.
A case I've read was a young kid age 10 who had his first attack(idiopathic type of epilepsy) at age 9mos. EEG examination was positive. He was given conventional drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy like Phenobarbital. Seizure still recurred daily, twice or once a week. Ginseng was given as supplement at the age of 4years at a dose of 100mg. (North Korean ginseng processed by modern methods. The North Korean ginseng is claimed to be the best variety) and attacks were lessened, both in intensity and frequency after one year of intake. At age 6 and 7months, convulsions disappeared completely. After a year without attacks EEG became normal. All medications were discontinued except ginseng. It was believed recovery would have been faster if the dosage is increased as the child grew.
The cure was due to the rejuvenation of the brain cells. There is also proper formation of acetylcholine and cholinesterase. Acetylcholine stimulates the nerve cell to generate small electric charge which is transmitted to the next cell carrying messages back and forth from the brain. Cholinesterase, enables the nerve cell to recuperate and recharge itself. Thus promotes the normal formation and transmission of impulses.
There are also many instances were seizures stopped completely when only ginseng was given. No conventional drugs were used in the treatment of their epilepsy.
There is no available drug that can bring about cure in epilepsy. The drugs that are being used such as Phenobarbital,phenytoin,carbamazephine , etc. are only used to diminish the intensity, duration and frequency of attacks.
Adults with epilepsy may take 400mg to 600mg of North Korean ginseng processed by modern methods, or you can follow the dosage of the product you purchase.
Ginseng may be given as a treatment in all types of disease especially those that are known to be incurable by modern medicine. It has no contraindications.
Don't take ginseng with Vitamin C or fruit juices(citrus juices especially). Vitamin C destroy ginseng. Take your Vit C 4hours after you have taken ginseng.
Another good variety is the Panax Ginseng, there is a case, my sisters' patient who has myoma, she drink panax ginseng religiously for 5months until one day when she went to the bathroom to pee, she felt a sudden pain in her lower abdomen, a block of red thing came out of her... when she had it checked in the hospital the Doctor said it was her cyst, she was cured by just drinking panax ginseng everyday for months.
Taking Ginseng with Chia Dorada(Golden Sage) helps to prevent rheumatism, neuralgia, hemorrhages, improves teeth. It helps in the prevention of spasms and chills, colds and pleurisy. It is also found beneficial against migraines and headaches.
Royal Jelly and Ginseng is one of the most energizing and vitalizing combination, given that the nutritional values in each stimulate brain and nervous function and provide the muscles with vital energy. Both products work as adapters, that is they help the body obtain stability in moments of stress and nervous tension.
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