What is Korean Ginseng?
Korean ginseng is the root of a plant that has been used in Asian medicine for thousands of years, and is believed to have immune-system boosting properties. Korean ginseng generally refers to the root of the slow-growing plant in Korea that is part of the Panax genus. This plant is able to grow in colder areas of Asia, including Korea. Korean ginseng is both harvested in the wild and cultivated.
What is Korean Red Ginseng?
Red Korean ginseng is panax ginseng that is harvested after 6 years and has either been steamed or sun dried. It is often marinated in an herbal brew that causes the ginseng to become brittle. Red ginseng is made from cultivated roots from South Korea. It is believed to have a positive effect on energy and increase sexual function.
What is Korean Ginseng used for?
- Ginseng is an herb that is used to support overall health and to give a boost to the immune system
- Lower blood glucose
- Control blood pressure
- Increase stamina
- Improve mental and physical performance
- Speed recovery from illness
- Increase energy
- Stimulate sexual function
- Enhance libido
How does it work?
The root of Korean ginseng, as well as other Asian and Panax ginsengs contain active chemical components called ginsenosides or panaxosides, which are believed to be responsible for ginseng’s medicinal properties.
Is Korean Ginseng and Korean Red Ginseng safe to consume?
Korean ginseng and Korean red ginseng are classified as a “Generally Recognized As Safe” food or GRAS for short by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. Ginseng is not a drug and should not be taken like a drug.
What studies have been done on the effects of Ginseng?
- Studies done in 2001 have shown that red ginseng extract reduces the incidence of cancer, with heat treated or steamed red ginseng having a greater effect
- Studies done in 2002 in a double-blind study on the effect of Korean red ginseng as a treatment for impotence reported that it can be effective in treating males for erectile dysfunction
- A study done in 2002 on the effect of red ginseng on posto
perative immunity and survival in patients with gastric cancer that showed a significantly higher five-year disease free survival rate and overall survival rate in patients that took red ginseng powder
Can you overdose on ginseng?
Ginseng is considered generally safe to consume, even in large amounts, but this should be evaluated on a case by case basis with the evaluation of the individual’s health at the time. Ginseng is known to lower blood glucose levels and treat type II diabetes, so if you are currently taking prescription medication to lower your blood glucose levels then it would be wise to consult with your physician and monitor your blood glucose levels regularly.
In what forms can I take Korean ginseng and Korean Red Ginseng?
Korean ginseng is available dried as the normal root and also prepared in tablets, capsules, teas, drinks, extracts and creams as well as many other readily available forms.
Jeff S. is a nutritional adviser on korean ginseng for NutraYoung. com and helps people lose weight fast with korean red ginseng.